Monday, August 13, 2012

order for Tuesday, August 14th

Hi Friends!

Martha will be traveling to take care of some family business, so I will be handling things this week.  To simplify things I will not be visiting each group.  Please get any meat orders in to me by Wednesday for next delivery on the 28th. 

We hope you enjoy the selection this week.  Summer stone fruits and berries are still going strong, but we will most likely see a decline as we head into the fall months.  Get creative with the fennel!  It's a flavorful substitute to celery in soups and the green fern-like top can be used to make a calming tea when seeped in hot water.  Delicata squash is one of our favorites.  Toss with a little coconut oil and fresh herbs plus a pinch of sea salt and enjoy roasted.  Expect the cauliflower to be smaller this time, but there should be extra for the bonus table.  Baby bok choy is wonderful for stir-fry and as a side to many Asian dishes, but lots of other recipe ideas can be found online. 

Buen provecho!


PS – We still have some unsold shares in Redlands so we may ask members to select extra items for $3 (mol) and assist in passing out some post cards to fill these openings.  Have your friends call me today if they want a full/half share!  786-251-1000

Regular Share  $52  (Half shares $28)

Green beans

Cauliflower (except Redlands - bonus table only - sub with zucchini)

Baby bok choy



Delicata squash

Red Potatoes

Two heads of Lettuce

Grape Tomatoes

Green onions


White Nectarines

Black Plums



Fruit Share  $23

Flame seedless grapes

Galia Melon



Local Raw Tropical Wildflower Honey also available.  Order ahead through host.  ½ gallon jug for $24.  $2 refund on returned jugs.

Extras for sale at Redlands (limited quantity): 1 lb. strawberries $4.50 and 6 oz. blueberries $3.50